Did Webb find signs of life on exoplanet K2-18 b? (2024)

EarthSky’s Will Triggs created this 1-minute video summary for you. Life on exoplanet K2-18 b?

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope completed another scheduled observation of exoplanet K2-18 b on April 26, 2024. These most recent Webb observations reportedly went for eight hours. The observations follow the tentative and highly debated result from September of last year, when Webb reportedly observed a molecule called dimethyl sulfide – a possible life sign – in this exoplanet’s atmosphere. The new Webb observations now need to be analyzed. And it will likely be at least a few months before we hear more about whether Webb found the dimethyl sulfide signal again or more details about the planet itself. But know that this exoplanet is being scrutinized, and that it might become famous as the first place in our Milky Way galaxy – behind our own Earth – where we have found signs of life.

So did Webb spot signs of life on this planet, located only about 124 light-years from Earth, in the direction of the constellation Leo the Lion? On September 11, 2023, NASA announced that Webb had made some exciting discoveries while observing this distant world. They said the planet has methane and carbon dioxide in its atmosphere, which indicates it might be a Hycean world, one with a deep hydrogen atmosphere and global water ocean.

But the extraordinary news was that Webb had found hints of dimethyl sulfide (DMS). On Earth, only life produces dimethyl sulfide, such as bacteria and phytoplankton in oceans.

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What will happen next? The finding of dimethyl sulfide needs to be confirmed. Then, scientists have to learn more about the exoplanet itself. While it is in the habitable zone of its star, its environment could still be unfavorable to life. As NASA said, it may have a hostile environment due to its active star, or its ocean may also be too hot to be habitable.

Still, the new discovery is tantalizing.

By the way, the London Times published a new article about exoplanet K2-18b on April 25 and there is also a new video interview (April 26) with Nikku Madhusudhan, a University of Cambridge astrophysicist involved in last year’s research.

Did Webb find signs of life on exoplanet K2-18 b? (1)

While studying the exoplanet K2-18 b, @NASAWebb hinted at a detection of dimethyl sulphide (DMS). On Earth, this molecule is only produced by microbial life. Because the detection needs to be confirmed, the team will follow up with additional observations. https://t.co/lYRNSVgI0M pic.twitter.com/Ui3c1fDbSf

— NASA Exoplanets (@NASAExoplanets) September 11, 2023

More about K2-18 b

K2-18 b is what scientists call a sub-Neptune or mini-Neptune. The exoplanet is 2.6 times larger and 8.6 times more massive than Earth. The new data from Webb show that the exoplanet is also likely a Hycean world. And unlike many sub-Neptunes, scientists say that Hyceans may be habitable. That means the conditions could be right for life to form (it does not mean that we are planning to send earthly life to the exoplanet).

The Webb discovery in September was also the first time that astronomers had discovered carbon molecules in the atmosphere of a planet in its star’s habitable zone.

The September observations were published in The Astrophysical Journal on October 9, 2023. And they have already begun to be cited by other scientists, somewhat widely.

A Hycean world with an ocean?

K2-18 b orbits in the habitable zone of a red dwarf star. The habitable zone is the region around a star where temperatures could allow liquid water to exist. To be clear, this doesn’t prove that K2-18 b is actually habitable, although the new findings from Webb support that it is possible.

Also, Hyceans are a newer identified class of exoplanet, and there is still a lot that we don’t know about them. Unlike most sub-Neptunes, however, they may be able to have solid surfaces beneath their deep hydrogen atmospheres. And below the atmosphere, a global water ocean. They would still be hotter than Earth, but perhaps not too hot for life of some kind.

The discovery of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) – and a lack of ammonia (NH3) – support the hypothesis that K2-18 b is a Hycean planet, the researchers said. Lead author Nikku Madhusudhan, an astronomer at the University of Cambridge, said that:

Our findings underscore the importance of considering diverse habitable environments in the search for life elsewhere. Traditionally, the search for life on exoplanets has focused primarily on smaller rocky planets, but the larger Hycean worlds are significantly more conducive to atmospheric observations.

The researchers said that K2-18 b likely has a mantle of high-pressure ice, similar to Neptune. The Webb results support the possibility of a planet-wide ocean on the surface, although it is still possible that the planet is too hot. Or at least too hot for the ocean to be habitable. Only additional observations will help astronomers determine the actual conditions.

Webb detects possible biosignature

The presence of methane, carbon dioxide and a possible ocean are certainly interesting on their own of course. But Webb also potentially detected something even more tantalizing in the atmosphere of K2-18 b: dimethyl sulfide (DMS). Dimethyl sulfide is an organic sulfur compound. On Earth, it is only produced naturally by biological processes from organisms such as bacteria and phytoplankton in marine environments.

This is still tentative, however. While there is a possible detection, it is less robust than the detections of methane and carbon dioxide. The paper stated:

The potential inference of DMS is of high importance as it is known to be a robust biomarker on the Earth and has been extensively advocated to be a promising biomarker for exoplanets.

Overall, we find CH4 and CO2 to be our most confident detections, followed by DMS, with the abundance estimates reported above. While our results provide important first insights into the chemical composition of K2-18 b, upcoming observations will be able to verify our present findings.

These findings support the Hycean nature of K2-18 b and the potential for biological activity on the planet.

Madhusudhan said:

The possibility of DMS in the atmosphere is highly promising, but we are planning to take another look to robustly establish its presence.

Did Webb find signs of life on exoplanet K2-18 b? (2)

Most detailed spectrum of a habitable zone sub-Neptune

Webb’s observations are the most detailed yet of a sub-Neptune in the habitable zone. Co-author Subhajit Sarkar of Cardiff University said:

Although this kind of planet does not exist in our solar system, sub-Neptunes are the most common type of planet known so far in the galaxy. We have obtained the most detailed spectrum of a habitable zone sub-Neptune to date, and this allowed us to work out the molecules that exist in its atmosphere.

Savvas Constantinou of the University of Cambridge added:

These results are the product of just two observations of K2-18 b, with many more on the way. This means our work here is but an early demonstration of what Webb can observe in habitable-zone exoplanets.

Future observations with Webb

Of course, now we want to know if Webb will be doing any follow-up observations. The answer is yes. The team will use the telescope’s MIRI (Mid-Infrared Instrument) spectrograph to further analyze the planet’s atmosphere. As Madhusudhan said:

Our ultimate goal is the identification of life on a habitable exoplanet, which would transform our understanding of our place in the universe. Our findings are a promising step toward a deeper understanding of Hycean worlds in this quest.

Bottom line: NASA’s Webb telescope looked at the sub-Neptune exoplanet K2-18 b. It found methane, carbon dioxide, a possible ocean, and even … maybe … a biosignature.

Source: Carbon-bearing Molecules in a Possible Hycean Atmosphere


Via University of Cambridge

Read more: Hycean planets might be habitable ocean worlds

Read more: Super-Earth, mini-Neptune or sub-Neptune?

Did Webb find signs of life on exoplanet K2-18 b? (2024)


Did Webb find signs of life on exoplanet K2-18 b? ›

No, the James Webb Space Telescope

James Webb Space Telescope
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a space telescope designed to conduct infrared astronomy. Its high-resolution and high-sensitivity instruments allow it to view objects too old, distant, or faint for the Hubble Space Telescope.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › James_Webb_Space_Telescope
probably didn't detect signs of alien life — but it soon could. LIVE SCIENCE - The contentious exoplanet, called K2-18b, is a warm, watery world with a hydrogen-based atmosphere.

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That makes K2-18b a potentially “Hycean” world, which means a combination of a hydrogen atmosphere and water oceans. Last year, a Cambridge team revealed methane and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of K2-18b using JWST – other elements that could point to signs of life.

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Scientists aren't so sure. SPACE.COM - Recent reports of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) detecting signs of life of a distant planet outside the solar system are, unfortunately, somewhat premature.

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In 2019, the Hubble Space Telescope determined that K2-18b showed signs of water vapour, suggesting that liquid water would be present on the surface. It is currently thought that there are large oceans on the planet.

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Our galaxy likely holds trillions. But so far, we have no evidence of life beyond Earth.

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No, the James Webb Space Telescope probably didn't detect signs of alien life — but it soon could. The James Webb Space Telescope's possible detection of biological chemicals on the exoplanet K2-18b may just have been methane gas, a new study cautions. Planned follow-up observations could solve the mystery for good.

Did they find dimethyl sulfide on K2-18b? ›

In 2023, astronomers reported a tentative detection of dimethyl sulfide — which is predominately produced by marine microbes on Earth and regarded as a biosignature gas — in the atmosphere of the super-Earth exoplanet K2-18b.

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The planet orbits on the habitable zone of its star and has an equilibrium temperature of 234 K (−39 °C). It was discovered by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) in 2023; according to the authors of the discovery paper, it is the first TESS discovery in the conservative habitable zone.

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The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) represents a remarkable advancement in astronomical observation. In 2023, initial reports suggested that JWST had detected potential signs of life on the distant exoplanet K2-18b.

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Observations with the Hubble Space Telescope have found that K2-18b has an atmosphere consisting of hydrogen. The presence of water vapour is likely but with uncertainty, as James Webb Space Telescope observations indicating concentrations of less than 0.1%; this may be due to the JWST seeing a dry stratosphere.

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K2-18 b is a super Earth exoplanet that orbits an M-type star. Its mass is 8.92 Earths, it takes 32.9 days to complete one orbit of its star, and is 0.1429 AU from its star. Its discovery was announced in 2015.

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A recent study shows that a little-known planet about 110 light years away, called K2-18b, might resemble a larger version of Earth and could support alien life. Researchers from the University of Toronto found this by analysing data from the European Southern Observatory (ESO).

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Its size and surface gravity are much larger than Earth's, and its radiation environment may be hostile, but a distant planet called K2-18b has captured the interest of scientists all over the world.

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Recent reports of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) detecting signs of life of a distant planet outside the solar system are, unfortunately, somewhat premature. That's the conclusion of research conducted by scientists from the University of California Riverside (UCR).

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"Super Earth" planet K2-18 b has an ocean and atmosphere that could support life. The James Webb Space Telescope has found evidence of carbon-bearing molecules, specifically methane and carbon dioxide, in the atmosphere of the habitable zone exoplanet K2-18 b.

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Every form of life we know requires liquid water, so an exoplanet too close or too far from its host star is less likely to contain life. Additionally, ultraviolet light may be needed to form some necessary prebiotic molecules, but an overactive host star can blast the young planet, stripping away its atmosphere.

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So Kepler 21b is far hotter than any place humans could venture. The team calculates that the temperature at the surface of the planet is about 1900 K, or 2960 F. While this temperature is nowhere near the habitable zone in which liquid water might be found, the planet's size is approaching that of the earth.

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K2-18 b is a super Earth exoplanet that orbits an M-type star. Its mass is 8.92 Earths, it takes 32.9 days to complete one orbit of its star, and is 0.1429 AU from its star. Its discovery was announced in 2015.

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New research suggests Exoplanet K2-18b may actually be a gas-rich planet with no habitable surface instead of a habitable water world. Cartoon showing a variety of exoplanet types. Figuring out whether a planet is rocky or gaseous can be a challenge, as is the case for K2-18b.

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Kepler-442b is one of two most Earth-like exoplanets discovered to date that “could be within the 'Goldilocks zone' that would permit life to exist,” according to AS USA.


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