Legacy and the Trials of Solitude - Chapter 1 - Darkyrie (2024)

Chapter Text

Keziah found herself back there. Back underneath all the stone structures, surrounded by goblinsallfueled by the same desires–bloodshed, revenge, and power. She could feel her heart almost burst out of her chestallwhile shealmostfelt sick to her stomach. It was like all the pain swirling around there was compressing itself onto her. Shecouldn’tbreathe.Everything was happening so fast that shedidn’thaveanytime to realize what wasgoing on.It was either she had to be there in the moment or be dead.

She remembered looking at her mentor for reassurance that everything would turn outfineand that she could do this. That all her hard work over the past few months had led up to this very moment. She remembers fallingandit just felt that way forever. Shedidn'tknow if anyone was alright or not.

Everything around her was painful. Every dark blast shewasn’table toprotect herself had burned fiercer than any Confringo or Incendio she had been on the wrong end of. It was like it was attacking her magic. A darkness trying to swallow a light. While it was true onecouldn’tbe without the other, itdidn’tmean the darknesswouldn’ttry to prevail.

Shecouldn’tfalter. Shecouldn’tafford to failoreverything, the entire wizarding world, would fall toRanrok’shands. Itwasn’tjust that. Everything she cared about. Her friends who were like her family she never got to have. Her teachers felt like non-existent parents who watchedoutfor her like they should have been.

She stumbled andfumbled. Like she always had. Likealwaysshe fell and was too late to get back up. Every timebeforeshe could get back up after the pain stopped, but this time it was too late.

“Y ou cannot stop me! ”

Adarkdreadful blast came towardandat that moment, Keziahneverfelt so powerless as it struck–

Keziah gasped asflewstraight uphavingbeen awoken from her nightmare. She hoped shehadn’tawoken anyone if she had been screaming. There were no suddennoisessoshesighed in relief. If she had thought about itsoonershe should have put up a silencing charm. She put her head in her hands and massaged her eyes with fingerstryingto make the images she was still vividly seeing while she was awake. For monthsit’sbeen the same dream over and over. She finds herself back underneath Hogwarts Castleandshe’spowerless to watch as Ranrok takes the ancient power the Keepers attempted to protect and seal away to kill everyone she cared about. Justlike Professor Fig.

Natty looked at her just like she did when she took that curse for her. Justa blank stare filled with nothing but pain.

Poppy’stearful eyes lost their lightwonderingwhy shehadn’tstood by her as her friend and protected them like she had done before.

Ominis’seyes always carried a sense of loss, but now his slack facewasn’tpinching at her with concern that he dared admit he had.

Sebastian’shurt the most. Those joyful yet mischievous brown eyes of one of her best friends now stared at her as she failed him. Again.

They were alljustlying there on the ground with blank stares, blaming her.

She was leftcompletelyaloneandthe thought of going forward hurt too much.

Shecouldn’tmake her thoughts shut up.She knows theyweren’tthereandiftheyhadthey might have met the fate she sawover and over again.The same one that Professor Fig met.

His roaring voice bled into her own.

“Y our pitiful magic is no match for mine, child. ”

She could have been stronger.

She should have just handled everything alone.

Then theywouldn'thave lost anyone. If onlyshehad stood up for herself and made everyone see that there is always another way. Maybe then Professor Fig would still be alive. Then maybe Sebastianwouldn'thave to live with the guilt. Solomon could still be aliveandmaybe Anne might be alright. Nattywouldn'thave put herself inharm'sway for her. Keziah knew she could take the Cruciatus Curse; she had done so before.

She could handle the pain like she always had.

She looked out the window to see the sun starting to rise. She sighed.Mightas well get and make sure she had everything ready. She was about to take the next step into her sixth year. She silently hopes itwon’tbe as…exciting as the last.

Keziah Velho sullenly packed her things in her rented room at The Three Broomsticks. Within a couple of hours,she’llbe back at Hogwarts Castle in herroomwhere she might start to feel safe. And maybe even perhaps evenstartto heal. Being aroundeveryone’slight spirits and having distractions may help ease her pains and worries. Everything at the end of last school year felt like a fevered dream, even if it was merely four months ago. It alljusthappened so fastandshecouldn'tbelieve all that hadhappenedafter the dragon attack. There was so much unnecessary bloodshed and loss.

She looks down at her hands.Although everyone else would tell her otherwise,all she could see wasthat same blood.The stains of red would never come outnomatter how hard she scrubbed or tried to atone. Lodgok. Rookwood. Ranrok. Goblins Loyalists. Ashwinders. Yes, most of those were people out to kill her, and she had no choice but to defend herself, but at the end of the day, they were all beings. They all probably had families to go home to.People who cared about them.She remembers the goblins talking about their mothers who made mushroom stew and brothers who worked at Gringotts.

Family. Keziahcouldn’trelate to that. The closest thing to family were the people she met at Hogwarts.

Keziah sighed as she lookedoverat the pile ofopened,butunanswered letters.All her friends she had made had been writing to her over the summer.Shedidn’tknow what magical power allowed their owls to find her. She opened them and read all their heartfelt words andwonderfuladventures.

Natty had visited Matabeleland as well as Uagadouandher family had gotten more closure regarding herfather’sdeath. Nattydidn’thesitate to mention it was all because of her and being sneaky enough to make her realize what she did for Keziah was the same as what her father did. She mentioned that she told all her friends there about their adventures and her new friend. Keziah was glad she made such an impact on her.

Poppy said she and her Gran spent the entire summer examiningall sorts ofcreatures. She also retold everything to her gran andthatthe older woman wanted to meet her one day.Shehad tons of notes to show her when they met again. She also talked about all they could do during the yearlikegoing to The Three Broomsticks and checking in with the centaurs about the snidgets.As long asthey steered clear of any hostile nesting motherdragonsthenthey'dbe fine.

Ominis had written to her toowhichwasabout him complaining about his family, but to inform her that he and Sebastian were on talking terms andtheyshould meet in the Undercroft when school starts.There was also a postscript note to answer Sebastian as he was getting insufferable because shewasn’tanswering his letters.

She had the most from Sebastian as he sent her multiple letters asking her how shewas,what she was doing, andeventuallythe letterswere askingher to answer him because he was concerned.She might have to tease him for that one. He did inform her in one of the letters that hehadn’theard from Anne herself, but he had gotten word that she was safewhichgave him peace of mind. He mentioned hewasn’tat peace with her not answering.

Itwasn’tjust that shedidn’twant to answer, but shedidn’thave the heart to lie to them about how her summer was fairing.

Keziahdidn’twant to tell them.After the madness of Ranrok, protecting the respiratory, and thedeath of Professor Figeverythingseemedtojustcontinue downward.

She had lied to them enoughandif she were to do soagainthen itwould only be of omission.

Shecouldn’ttell them shedidn’thave anywhere to go.

Keziah Velho knew she was a mystery to her classmates. Everyone had questions.She'snot deaf to their whispers. To them, she was the new fifth-year who came in late to the Sorting Ceremony to be placed into Ravenclaw only to rise and stop the goblin war. However, theydon’tknow the girl from before.To be honest,Keziahdidn’tquiteknowthat herself.

Keziah’smemory from before is hazy. She was aware of the magical world and that shewasn’tallowed to be a part of itthuskept quiet for fear of being in trouble. Her memory was already muddledandshedidn’twant to lose any more of it. All she remembers is finding herself outside an orphanage at eleven with the selfish caretakers bluntly telling her that her parents left her to rot for being a useless thing.She thinks she would be furious with them,butshedoesn’tremember them.Shedoesn’tknow their names or if they have any real connections to the magical world. She figures they must have for the reason she knows.

Keziah has a theory that her parents were a wizard and a witch who must have believed their child was a Squib. Perhaps her family and the Gauntsweren'tentirely different.

Four years she spent therebeing treatedas nothing more than dung. The other children bullied her while the adults stood by and watched. She remembers the timesthey’dcut her braid, shove her, and even tore up what little belongs she had. However, Keziahdidn’tquitetake all their antics lying down and found creative ways to get some payback. A well-placed book that makes one of them slip did nicely as the caretakers yelled at whoever owned the book. Ordirtying whatever chore they just completed.

She gets bits and pieceshere and there, but nothing thatstands out to her.However, she does note the only time a memorytrulyresurfaced about her family was when they were investigating the scriptoriumandSebastian used Crucio on her. She thought that wasodd,but never had time to mention it to Professor Fig. They had more important matters to be concerned about, but she wondered if she should ask or do some research in the library.

Regardless,the momenther magic appeared and Professor Fig told her she was coming with him, it felt like a dream come true. She could run away to a better life she thought she was to have literally in a horse-drawn carriage. Despiteitlater being attacked by a dragon, shedidn’tmind it.

Professor Fig felt like her fairy godfather.

He learned aboutthe conditions she lived inand was furious at the notion she may have to return after the school year.The thought of her having to live in such an unwantedplaceunabletofullydo something about it.She was a witch and a mightypowerfulone at that. Just losing her temper could cause a chaotic result shewouldn’thave meant. Evenworse with the ancient magic she possessed. Accidentally striking down someone with lightningwouldn’tbe easy to cover up. She needed a safe placeandhe offered his own home. She cried in relief that he told her she was more welcome to stay with him.

Professor Fig asked her once if sheeverthought about using the power Isidora showed them on herself. To eliminate those painful emotions that have been swirling inside of her for years. Keziah was honest with him. Shehadn’tthought about it.Sheonce told Professor Ronen that his experiences made him who he was todayandshe lived by that herself. She believed things would get betterandthey did. That was all set in stone…and then he died. It nevertrulysank in what his death meant until everyone was talking about the end of the year. It was even worse when Professor Weasley wanted totalkthe day school ended.

Keziah internally panicked all through the end-of-the-year feast despite the cheering of her housemates that she had gotten them 100 points and was declared the winner of the House Cup. Shedidn’tknow where shewas going togoandthere was this internal fear to tell her professors about her predicament. Would theyjustsend her away and forget about her? Shedidn’tthink they would, but adultsweren’talways most forthcoming. Shedidn’twant to impose on her friendseitherby ruining their vacation because she tagged along. Shedidn’twant anyone to feel like she owed them.

She thought about living out of the Room ofRequirement,butcouldn’ttake the chance of Deek telling Professor Weasley. It felt wrong to ask him not totellher even if he did find out. Soonthe last day of school, she packed up everything she could fitincludinga hefty supply of Wiggenweld Potions and other necessitiesandsimplyleft before anyone could ask any questions. As she ran through the halls heading outside the castle, she heard talk of people whispering about her friends and the staff wanting to know where she was.

For monthsshehid out in places either no one dared go or placesshe’dalready raided in the past that were barren. Deserted castles and even going to Ashwinder camps.Certainly, the placesweren’tthe most comfortable, but she made it workandmost of them had beds. She was thankful that since she was in the area ofHogwartsshecould still use her magic just in case she needed to defend herself. Thankfullyitwas only against a spider or mongrel.

She needed not to get rusty in any of her previously learned skills or forget any spells she learnedorall that catching up would have been for nothing. Thankfullysinceshe was either in the hamlets, the Forbidden Forest, or Hogsmeadeshecould practice without watchful eyes.

She practiced her magic and even picked up some new tricks she used throughout her timewhichmadeeverything easier.Whether or not shewas going totell her friends about them was debatable. She might share them with Natty sinceshe’dunderstand the most. It was certainly helpful to hang around and be inconspicuous.Althoughit might have taken almost the entire summer to accomplish.

Just likebeforeinthose few months out in the Highlands, she sold extra gear or anything she could get her hands on and took on requests people asked of her for payment. Whetherit was making deliveries, finding lost trinkets, or fighting trolls that strayed too close for comfort. She also madeniceuse of the disillusionment charm as she swore she saw a few teachers poking around. Eventually, she earned enough so she could spend the last couple of weeks in the safety of Hogsmeade and still have enough to afford her supplies. A list that arrived at The Three Broomsticks not long after she arrived.

She spent most of the first week resting in safetytryingto relax. Luckilyshehadn’tencountered too manytoughbattles, but the months of basically on her own in survival mode drained her. Sirona cut her a breakandoftentimesKeziah found herself helping around the place until shewas shooed awaysayingshedidn’tneed to do so and should prepare for school.

Typical items were requiredsuchas books and seeds, but the school noted some last-minute items that wererequiredsayingit would be explainedlater. Items that wererequiredfor sixth and seventh years onlyandmost of it seemed outlandishlikeneeding a dress for females and robes for males.Itwasn’tquiterequired yetasthere was a note thatsaid girls may take time to find some together.Keziah bets money on Garlick being the sole supporter of that decision.

Well, she was ready to go and only needed to pack a few personal items on the tablewhichincludedthe letters.She had an excusereadyfor why she never answered. Shedidn’thave an accurate way to send themconsideringher owl, Ajax, stayed at the Owlery over the summerasdid quite a fewstudents’owls. While they cared about each other, he had a mischievous side wherehe’ddeliver her post by dropping the letters on her head before flying off.

Little bastard. But shecouldn’twait to see him.

“Are you ready?”a voice said.

“Oh. Hello Sirona. I am actually.Ratherexcited to be getting back to school. Thank you again for letting me stay here.”Keziah answered, turning to the owner as she put her bag on her back.

“No need to thank me. You were paying despite my discounted price.You’vecertainly done enough around these parts. I appreciated the help around heretoo. You knowyou’rewelcome to come back anytime.”Sirona said as she walked up to her.“Now listen here.I’mnot one to tell, but please talk to your professors.Youshouldn’thave to live like this. And if it comes down to it, come back here, you hear.”

“Got it.”Keziah answered with a smile.

“Now, whydon’tyou get to school.”


Keziah reallycouldn’twait. This year may not be as exciting as her last one, but at least she got to live to be a part of it.

Keziah took a deep breathas shelooked down the path to see Hogwarts straight ahead. Shedidn’tknow, but shehad a good feelingabout this year. There was now so much more in storeconsideringall of her fifth year was about playing catch up to the worldshe had been dropped intoand then having to save it. She couldtrulyenjoy herself. She could go on adventures that would last a lifetime with her friendsshe’donly hoped would stay by her side.

“There you are!”

Keziah instantly froze. Uh oh. She slowly turned around to see a brown-haired boy storming toward her withbotha temper and concern in his equally brown eyes.


“Don’tstart.I’vebeen writing to you all summer. No one else heard from you either. Where did you go? Did you receive any of our owls?”Sebastian askedfranticallyas he looked to make sure she was alright. From his perspective, she looked…okay. He was looking respectfully, but hecouldn’thelp but notice that her clothes looked a little looser. Did she lose weight? She was fine the way she was before.

“Idid receive them,”Keziah answered.“If you recall, Ajax was here over the summer. Icouldn’ttake him with me.I’msorryIshould have said something to all of you before I left.”

Hopefully, hewon’task any other questions and just let it go. Ifshewere to tell him the truth,sheknewhe’dlose it.He’dstart on a rant about why shedidn'ttell himandshe'dnever admit itto him, but he tended to make it his mission to solvepeople’sproblems by any means necessarynomatter the cost. With him not having too many close people left in his life,she’saware heisn’tgoing to let any of the slip from his grasp.

“Iguess that makes sense. Still, you could have come and visited or told one of our owls to bring back your letter. Despite what Ominissayshe would have enjoyed your company too.”Sebastian said.He briefly wonders if she returned to the muggle world to see her own familywhichis whyAjaxcouldn’tgo with her.Internallyhescolds himselfnotthinking that she had a family who probablydidn’thave as many issues as his own. It would have been strange to see an owl flying back and forth.

“I’msorry, butI’mpleased to know the invitation is available,”Keziah answered.“PlusIdidn’twant to impose. It sounds likeyou'remaking amends.”

“Yeah, he and I talked.We’reable to sort out some things.He’sbeen talking to Anneandshe thinks that they might have a way to help her.She says shewon’tforgive me,butshe’llsee me again if I can prove thatI’vechanged.ThatI’msorry for what happened and making amends.”

“That’sgood to hearandpromiseyou’lldo so?”Keziah asked.

Sebastian has had a lot to think about since the end of last school termwithhow everything ended regarding his sister, killing his uncle, and finding out it was Rookwood who cursed her and not a goblin. From what she remembers of hislettershe’strulytrying to make amends for whathe’sdone wrong.He’spatching up what relationships he canandhe’seventriedmaking Feldcroft safer for those who still live there. A rebirth for himandshe only hopes he finds whathe’slooking for.

Keziah wonders if she can ask Sebastian once he finds it within himselfhow to do so herself.It’sa dark thought, but both their hands have blood on them. Compared to her, his is a speck compared to hersbeing soaked.

“As long asyou’llbe there to help me.”Sebastian answered.

All summerhe’sbeen thinking about her.She’sdone so much for him and stood by his side despite everything pointing at her not to. He realizedthat hetook their friendship for granted and never truly appreciated it. Just mere words thatdidn'tcarry any proof. He was going to change that. She was incredibleandhe wondered if she was even aware of it.He meant it when he said he was gladthatthey were friends andthatshe came to Hogwarts.However, hedidn’texpect it to grow into something more than a kindred spirit and friendship.He’spretty surehe’sfalling in love with her.

She embodies everything that is magic and Hogwarts. Any house would have been lucky to have her.

She’sbrave as any Gryffindor. Only someone with true bravery wouldtimeaftertimewalk into dangerwhetherit was under their own choice or not knowing what may or may not lie ahead.He’sheard the rumors. Everyone talks about her and whatshe'sdone last school year.HelpingNatty takedown Harlow. Protecting various magical creatures from falling into thepoachers’hands. Walkinginto the depths of Hogwarts to defend an ancient dark magic repository from a goblin who wanted to see the end of wizardkind. Upon hearing thefullstory of the battle, he transformed into a bloody dragon she had to take down.

She’sas loyal as any Hufflepuff. Only someonetrulyloyal would stay by his side and try to help him, even if theydidn’tagree. Keziah voiced multiple times throughout their journey to try and save Anne that shedidn’tagree with some of his choices. He could have saved his sister during the attack in Feldcroft with a different spell.They’reall right there at his fingertips. Accio. Bombarda. Or even his favorite, Confringo. While she did know the same curses he did, she saidshe’donly use them as a last resort. Hedoesn’tthinkshe’sever used them.

She'sas ambitious as any Slytherin. She was determined to catch up to the rest of them, no matter what it took to prove she belonged. She took every assignment with a smile andmade sureit was completedto the best of her abilities. Shecompletedeach trial the Keepers put in front of herto be ableto achieve whatwas expectedof her. She wanted to learn all about the wizarding world and what it had to offer. She even learned more about herself along the way.

She’switty and curious as any Ravenclaw. Bloody hell, she was sosmartandhe’spretty sureshe’sat the topof eachof her classes. Despitehaving beenjust introduced into their world, she took it like fish to water. She beat him in a duel despite havingvery littleexperience. She could make perfect potions on the first try.She could solve any puzzleputin front of her in a matter of seconds or come up with creative solutions to the problemsthat lieahead.With her, he could always count on her to figure out a solution to save everyone involved.

Blimey, Sebastiandidn’tthink it was a maybe anymore. He was in love with her, but hedidn’tdare tell her.

Keziah frozefor a secondlikesomeone had struck her withGlaciusas the words left his mouth.The wayhe said it hadstruckher heart and made it skip a beat. He wanted her by his side. She would always be there for him and help him.That’swhat friends were for, but shecouldn’thelp wondering ifthat’swhatall they were.

Was she just a good friendwhohe knew would supporthimand keep him straight?

After everythingthey’vebeen through, from fighting side by side to their playful banter, itjustdawned on her one day near the end of the year that she might like him more than a friend. Even if he would never feel the same,that’sfine with her, but it wouldmake her heart hurt. Perhaps she can make up for not stopping him sooner. If she had been more aware of hersurroundingsshe could have prevented so much pain and grief in the Sallow family. She would never bring herself to take that pain away like Isidora once tried, but at least she could be the one to try and prevent it. Or at least make it bearable to continue living on and not lose oneself.

“Of course!”Keziah answered with a smile.“If you ever think about using anything dealing with the dark arts,I’llConfringo your trousers in front of the whole school.”

Sebastian let out a hearty chuckle. He could see thatandno doubt knew she would follow through. After their adventures last school year, he noticed she spoke out more about his choices. Shewasn’tafraid to be blunt with him, especially whenshe wasangry. He understandsshe’strying to helpandhe appreciates it instead of just leaving him.

“That is somethingyou’ddo.I’mkind ofregretting teaching you the Blasting Curse.”Sebastian answered fondly.

“Too late now.”Keziah smirked as they continued to walk.

Keziah gave the same excuse to her friends when they finally found each other. They all seemed to have bought the excuse, but she could see their worried faces with hints that they hadinklingsthat shewasn’tbeingentirelytruthful. She still rememberseach oftheir parting words as they walked into the Great Hall.

“Just as you have done for me, I will listen when you need someone, my friend.”Natty told her.

“Idon’twant my human friends to feellikethey'realone.”Poppy had mentioned as she gave her a quick hug.

Keziah fondly looked after her friends as they all were smiling, happy to be back for another year, as theywent backto house tables. She looked over at them allandit made everything hurt less.Ifshehadn'tdone what shedidtheywouldn'tbe here, but thatdidn'tmake all she did sting any less.She knowsthey'llall disagree, having told hertime and time againthat she made an impact on their lives just because she came there.She'sthankful for theirfriendship,but wonders ifthey’dtrulystand by herself through tribulations she was allowed to share. Everything with the Keeper Trials and her ancient magic had been a secret until late last year. Of course, she told them, but shecouldn’tinclude them.Trials she had to do alone and walked the path alone at the end.She likes to think they would have changed underneath Hogwarts alongside her if they were allowed to.

“Keziah! Over here! I saved you a seat! I have so much to tell you!”

Keziah looked over to see Amit calling her and waving her down. Beside was Samanthawholooked overjoyed to see her, still overly appreciative for helping her brother. Everett and Duncan were beside her and waved as well. One of them looked a little too happy to see her. She smiled as she walked over to sit at her house tableunawareof the eyes watching her.

“Do you think he likes her?”Sebastian asked as he gazed at Amit animatedlytalkingto Keziah about something hecouldn’tquiteoverhear. Something about stargazing and going on a trip to find constellations.How their adventure last year had inspired him!Yeah, he totallywasn'tpaying too much attention.

“What are you going on about now?”Ominis asked.

“Thakkar.”Sebastian said in a low voice.“Do you think he likes her?”

“Oh my goodness, Sebastian.They’refrom the same houseandfrom whatI’veheardhe helped her translate something she needed.Youcan’tassume everysingleone of her male friends likes herthe sameyou do.Are you going to accuse me next?”Ominis asked.

“What? No. I know youdon’tlike her like that.”Sebastian said before a moment passed.“Youdon’t, do you?”

“Bloody hell, Sebastian. No. I see her as a good friend and nothing more despite our rather rocky start.”

Sebastian nodded. Ominis had a pure disdain for her when he first heard about her.Saidshe was trying too hard to fit in while she should just lay low. Well, the moment she stepped into the Great Hall late for the Sorting Ceremony was whenthat idea was thrownout the window. However, since Sebastian had befriended her rather quickly, Ominisdidn’thave achoice in hearing about her and later interacting with her. If Ominisdidn’tknow anybetterhe’dsay Sebastian was head of heels earlier than he thoughthe was.

“It all worked out,”Sebastian answered.

“Sure, you think so. I think you have other people to worry aboutlikePrewett or Weasley. Or it seems Hobhouse is your true competition.”

Sebastian’snostrils flared.He’swell aware of this fact anddoesn’tneed the reminders. He remembers that Leander offered to take her to tend to the Chinese Chomping Cabbages last year and could hear the echoes of their conversation through the ceiling. Hedoesn’tknow which of what he heard made him angrier. Hearinghim talk dung about him orhearinghis failed attempts to flirt with her.

Don’tget him started on Hobhouse. He knowsthat hebegged Keziah to do him a favor last year to prove his courage after being humiliated.She gave him the leafin the endbut told him that he needed to grow a pair and find his courage instead of making people do it for him.He took it in stride and thanked her for the wake-up call. Yeah, Sebastian thinks he enjoyed her degrading him.Weirdo.

Ever sincethat first day in Potions, Weasley has also been cozy with her. He goes out of his way every class to make small talk that Sebastianisn’tfar from. From whathe'sheard, she did him a favorandhe’s very thankful.Alwaysasking her to try his latest brewwhichforall Sebastianknowscould give her a one-way trip to the Hospital Wing. If any of them try anything,that’swherethey’llallbe sent.

He wonders if Keziah noticed or noticedat all the waypeople whisper about her even before all the madness of becoming the Hero of Hogwarts. Some people called her rather plain-looking andthatherskills made up for her lack of appearance, but Sebastian thinksthey’rebloody idiots.She’sbeautiful inside and out.She’skind and helpful anddoesn’tgive up. He admires that about her andjustmakes loving her easier.

Tink. Tink. Tink.

“Welcome backeveryonetoanother year! It will certainly be exciting and put our year of Hogwarts into the record books!”

Keziah looked around to see almost everyone roll their eyesthinkingthe same thing. The headmaster means to put his name into the record books. There was no way hewasn’taware of all the talk about him being the worst headmaster inHogwart'shistory. Scrope probably tells him all the timethey’rewrong while polishing theman’sbust.

“Now that the Sort Ceremony is over without any interruptions!”Black announced. Keziah rolled her eyes at that oneandNatty just shook her head behind her at the Gryffindor table. Keziah realized the only thing that shedidn’tlike about being in Ravenclaw was that shecouldn’tsit with her best friends. Sure,shetalked to Amit and Samantha andattimesmade conversationwith Duncan and Everett, but shewouldn’tsay they were people she went out of her way to spend time with. Duncan also seems to have a not-subtle Cruppy crush on her that she prefers not to entertain.“I’dlike to welcome Professor Mavis Eugeniawhowill be taking over for our dear Professor Fig as the professor of Magic Theory.I have been advised by our newest staff member that she should have a chance to meet every one of our esteemed students,thusone of your classes will be replacedwith an individual course project withProfessor ProfessorEugenia for the first semester.”

The entire hall erupted into groans and cries of protest.This decision might not bother too many students, but sixthyearsand seventh years were preparing forexams coming up.

Keziah stared at the older womanwhosmiled at all her future students. She seemed nice enough, but at the end of it, she was replacing Professor Fig. She understood that they had to, but shewas going tohave to get used to it. She felt a shiver go down her spine when her eyes stayed on her longer than necessary. Keziah shook it off.Musthave been imagining it.

“Now, now,it’llbe the perfect way to allow our newest professor to set you all up.Acouple of other announcements. Quidditch has alsobeen canceledagain this year. Silence! Allow me to explain! Hogwarts hasbeen chosento host the first attempt at the revival of the Triwizard Tournament in almost 100 years.A legendaryevent that brings together three schools that will select a single student to represent them in a series of contests. This event is not for the faintofheartas the chosen student will be standing alone. We will discussmore aboutthis later, but for now, let us welcome the two schools that will be joining us!Firstthe lovely ladies of Beauxbatons!”

The ladies of Beauxbatons enteredandKeziah saw almost every girl in the hall roll their eyes. Shedidn’tblame them too much as they practically flirted with every guy theycame across. Or act like they were high and mighty. They appeared to be an all-girls school, but do they have to act in such a manner? Keziah also noted thatshe’sgladdoesn’tattend their school.Shedoesn’tthink they have anyotheruniforms other than sky-blue dressesandsheprefers wearing pants.

“Now we have strapping young lads of Durmstrang!”

Durmstrang came in with fierce expressionsreadyto win. They were here for blood. Not one dared look at anyone in the crowdandonly straightforward.Keziah could respect that as they knewwhat the goal was in frontof them.She wonders ifthey’realso an all-boys school, probably even a military schoolbythe short haircuts and uniforms.

Keziah did notice something odd.Either theseschools had to befairlysmallortheyonly brought a selected number of students with them.Perhaps they onlybroughtthose interested in the tournamentandthen Keziah curiously wondered if there was something else theyweren’taware of.

“And nowwe’llhave the Minister of Magic say a few words! Mr. Faris Spavin!”Black announced as the man came on stage.

Keziah snorted to herselfrememberingwhat Professor Fig told her.He likes to hear himself talk as the man startstotalkon and onabout who he is and where hestarted.She looked toward theProfessors’tableandher once joyous mood dampened when she saw Professor Eugenia in ProfessorFig’sspot. The woman made eye contact with her, but Keziah quickly looked away. Shebrieflywondered ifthe new professor had been told anythingabout her or anythingshe’ddone in the past year. Thenshewas brought out of her thoughts by theminister’sannouncement.

“The Ministry has discussed that only students sixteen and older may put their name forth for the Triwizard Tournament!”Most of the crowd yelled in protest.“Silence! It is for your safetyasthis contest could mean life or death! That is all we have to say on the matter. Nowtostart this tournament!”

The minister then turned around and tapped on the structure with his wandthatwasbrought outbehind him while he was speaking. Keziah thought she recognized that structure. It was in the trophy room upstairs. One of her Field Guide Pages was about it. From what she remembered, it was called the Goblet of Fire. The case melted awayrevealinga stone-like goblet that lay inside.

“This is the Goblet of Fire!”Spavin announced.“Any students who wish to put forth their name will do so on a piece of parchment by the end of the week! Please do not do so lightly as if youare chosen, thereis no turning back.”

The Goblet of Fire finished his speech as it igniteditselfin a blue flame. Everyone could onlystarememorized by the fire that seemed to have this magic calling out to them. Callingthem to attempt their hand at the promised eternal glory.

“You'llhave to have your wits about you for this,won'tyouRavenclaw?”

Keziah rolled her eyes to meetSebastian’ssmirk as theywere leavingthe Great Hall after the opening feast. Of course, he needed tocomecomment on heading toward hiscommonroom.

“Are you ambitious enough to take part, Slytherin?”Keziah teased back, only making Sebastian smirk.

“Itend to think so. Best duelist in this school and a rather cunning young man willing to do anything to get the job done. I thinkI’vegotexactlywhat it takes.”Sebastian said.

“Last I checkedyouwere the second-best duelist.”Keziah smirked.

“Ouch. And here I thought we were partners in crime.”Sebastian saidfeigningto be hurt by her remark.“But seriously, what about you? Are you putting your name in?”

“No thanks.”Keziah answered without hesitation, shaking her head.“I’vehad enough dangerous adventures to last me a lifetime. Idon'tneed to add to the amount of timesI'vealmost died.I’llcheer on our champion and wish them the best.”

“And ifit’sme?”

“Then I guess I might have to make sure youdon’tget yourself killed.”Keziah said as she nudged himandhe just smiled in return.

She’dbe his cheerleader if hewaschosen.He’dgo to her for help because he could always count on her.She’salways done so for himandit looks likehe might have to wait a little longer before he could return the favor.

Legacy and the Trials of Solitude - Chapter 1 - Darkyrie (2024)


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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.