Television Archive News Search Service (2024)



Date Archived



92 92

Free Minds Book Club : CSPAN2 : January 19, 2019 8:01pm-9:33pm EST

Jan 20, 2019 01/19



BookTV covered the Free Minds Book Club meeting which takes place twice a month with inmates at the Washington, DC Jail. Sponsor: Free Minds Book Club
Topics: vietnam, washington, c-span, charlie brown, d.c., stacy, mitchell sanders, tim o'brien, brown
Source: Comcast Cable


39 39

Former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe Testifies on Review of FBI Russia Investigation - Part 1 : CSPAN2 : November 10, 2020 7:59pm-11:11pm EST

Nov 11, 2020 11/20



Former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe testified before Senate Judiciary Committee concerning the review of the FBI Russia investigation. He defended the bureau's investigation saying, "We opened a case to find out how the Russians might be undermining our elections. We opened a case because it was our obligation and our duty to do so. We did our job." Mr. McCabe briefly served as acting FBI director in 2017 after the dismissal of James Comey by President Trump. Sponsor: Senate...
Topics: fbi, russia, cia, comey, flynn, hillary clinton, trump, peter strzok, carter, donald trump,...
Source: Comcast Cable


23 23

Federal Reserve Chair Powell Holds News Conference : CSPAN2 : December 14, 2019 3:59am-4:52am EST

Dec 14, 2019 12/19



Federal Reserve Chair Powell announced interest rates would remain unchanged. "As always, we based our decision on how best to achieve our goals Congress has given us: maximum employment and economic stability," he said at the news conference. Sponsor: Federal Reserve | Board of Governors
Topics: china, volker
Source: Comcast Cable


57 57

Federal Judges Discuss Romeo and Juliet : CSPAN2 : January 7, 2017 7:00am-8:01am EST

Jan 7, 2017 01/17



U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito served as chief judge in the Shakespeare Theatre Company's mock trial of Friar Laurence for the wrongful deaths of Romeo and Juliet in a suit brought by their parents. Elizabeth Prelogar was appealing a judgement against Friar Laurence. Karl Racine argued on behalf of Lord and Lady Montague and Lord and Lady Capulet. While the judges were deliberating, theater staff talked to the audience about the play. The Shakespeare Theatre Company Bard Association's...
Topics: friar laurence, italy, verona, lowell, washington, machiavelli, montague, lord, england, wilkins,...
Source: Comcast Cable


33 33

Fergus Bordewich, "Congress at War" : CSPAN2 : February 29, 2020 6:40pm-7:47pm EST

Feb 29, 2020 02/20



Historian Fergus Bordewich argued that Congress, led by the Republican Party, played a vital role in the Union's victory in the Civil War. Sponsor: Book Passage Bookstore
Topics: washington, thaddeus stevens, stevens, abraham lincoln, pennsylvania, ohio, fergus bordewich, new...
Source: Comcast Cable


25 25

FBI Director Christopher Wray Testifies on National Security Threats : CSPAN2 : October 1, 2020 7:04am-9:48am EDT

Oct 1, 2020 10/20



FBI Director Christopher Wray, National Counterterrorism Center Director Chris Miller and Acting Deputy Homeland Security Secretary Ken Cuccinelli testified on national security and global threats before the Senate Homeland Security Committee. The witnesses talked about an array of global threats, including cyber intrusions and disinformation campaigns from Russia, Iran and China, as well as extremist terror threats overseas. They also discussed domestic threats, including white supremacists...
Topics: fbi, china, wray, iran, miller, portland, russia, mr. cuccinelli, isis, louisville, sec, dep,...
Source: Comcast Cable


16 16

FCC Takes First Vote on Reversal of 2015 Net Neutrality Rule : CSPAN2 : May 19, 2017 2:57am-5:09am EDT

May 19, 2017 05/17



The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) met to vote on moving ahead with the process of reversing "net neutrality" rules that require internet providers to allow content providers equal access to networks. Commissioners will vote on repealing the regulations that reclassified broadband service as a utility, or Title II service, thus making providers subject to stricter regulation. People: Mignon L. Clyburn; Michael O'Rielly; Ajit Varadaraj Pai Sponsor: Federal Communications...
Topics: at&t, sec, washington d.c., washington, nicole
Source: Comcast Cable


25 25

Federal Trade Commission Oversight : CSPAN2 : July 19, 2018 10:39pm-1:26am EDT

Jul 20, 2018 07/18



The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Digital Commerce and Consumer Protection held an oversight hearing with all five commissioners of the Federal Trade Commission. The commissioners answered questions on a variety of consumer protection topics, including data security and privacy concerns for social media users as well as mergers and acquisitions in the health care industry. The subcommittee took a brief recess before continuing its work. Sponsor: House Energy and Commerce...
Topics: ftc, cambridge, equifax, simons, eu, texas, california, illinois, google, volkswagen, washington,...
Source: Comcast Cable


41 41

Former Representative Trey Radel Democrazy : CSPAN2 : May 21, 2017 7:15am-8:03am EDT

May 21, 2017 05/17



Former Representative Trey Radel (R-FL) talked about his book Democrazy: A True Story of Weird Politics, Money, Madness, and Finger Food, in which he recounts his time in Congress and describes the the inner workings of the institution. People: Michelle Magona; Trey Radel Sponsor: Books a Million
Topics: washington, debbie wasserman schultz, iraq, florida, donald trump, marcus, john boehner, isis, msnbc
Source: Comcast Cable


16 16

Freedom of the Press : CSPAN2 : October 17, 2017 12:47pm-2:06pm EDT

Oct 17, 2017 10/17



Veteran CBS and NBC reporter Marvin Kalb moderated a discussion at the National Press Club with the executive editors of the Washington Post and the New York Times focusing on freedom of the press and President Trump's recent comments criticizing the media. Other topics also included the rise in readership at both newspapers, covering Donald Trump during the campaign season, implementing social media guidelines for reporters, and deciding whether it's appropriate for newspaper reporters to...
Topics: washington, new york, marty, donald trump, marty, james o'keefe, cia, vietnam, asia, harvey...
Source: Comcast Cable


19 19

Fmr. HHS Secretary Burwell at Health Care Policy Conference : CSPAN2 : October 28, 2017 3:30am-4:53am EDT

Oct 28, 2017 10/17



American University president and former Health and Humand Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell talked about her experiences and lessons learned from the implementation of the Affordable Care Act at a conference hosted by the university's Washington College of Law. Her remarks were followed by a presentation from Independence Blue Cross CEO and President Daniel Hilferty about his company's efforts to innovate and partner with the government to provide consumers with affordable quality health...
Topics: pennsylvania, philadelphia, aca, jean, sylvia, washington, melinda gates, jefferson, burwell, hhs,...
Source: Comcast Cable


23 23

Future of Law Schools : CSPAN2 : August 21, 2017 10:26am-11:47am EDT

Aug 21, 2017 08/17



Former judges from the Colorado and Indiana Supreme Courts joined an Indiana University law school professor to discuss the future of law schools. This panel was part of the Seventh Circuit Bar Association Annual Meeting. This program has not yet aired in its entirety. Sponsor: Seventh Circuit Bar Association
Topics: kourlis, colorado, gpa, chicago, parker, hogan, washington, undergraduate gpa, berkeley, henderson,...
Source: Comcast Cable


31 31

Fred Kaplan, Dark Territory : CSPAN2 : October 10, 2017 7:58pm-9:31pm EDT

Oct 10, 2017 10/17



Fred Kaplan talks about the past and future of cyber warfare and the place where it was first conceived - the United States. Sponsor: New America
Topics: fbi, nsa, washington, china, bill gertz, haiti, russia, california, fred kaplan, yugoslavia,...
Source: Comcast Cable


7 7.0

Former FCC Chairs Discuss Telecommunications : CSPAN2 : July 22, 2021 7:50am-9:11am EDT

Jul 22, 2021 07/21



Former FCC chairs and commissioners discussed telecommunications policy issues at an event hosted by the Multicultural Media, Telecom and Internet Council (MMTC). Speakers included former FCC commissioners Ajit Pai (R), William Kennard (D) and Richard Wiley (R) along with former commissioner Mignon Clyburn (D). They discussed media diversity and inclusion, broadband access, 5G technology and the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the telecommunications industry. Sponsor: Multicultural Media,...
Topics: mmtc, fcc, david, fec, washington, jonathan, white house, henry, johnson, ftc, bob branson, ron,...
Source: Comcast Cable


13 13

Freemasonry History : CSPAN2 : July 25, 2021 4:54am-6:16am EDT

Jul 25, 2021 07/21



Author John Dickie discussed the Freemasons' history and the misconceptions surrounding this secret society. Sponsor: Museums on the Green
Topics: london, italy, england, france, india, britain, washington, europe, washington d.c., hagar,...
Source: Comcast Cable


1 1.0

Facebook Whistleblower Testifies Before UK Parliament Committee : CSPAN2 : October 26, 2021 2:07am-4:36am EDT

Oct 26, 2021 10/21



Frances Haugen, a former Facebook product manager, testified on how harmful the platform is for children before a United Kingdom Parliament joint committee. Ms. Haugen said she's doubtful Facebook and Instagram are safe for children's use. The UK is considering legislation to impose government regulations on Facebook and other social media companies.
Topics: google, uk, mark zuckerberg, facebook, ethiopia, bender, california, u.k., washington, myanmar,...
Source: Comcast Cable


37 37

Federal Officials Discuss Cybersecurity : CSPAN2 : August 9, 2016 6:41am-8:13am EDT

Aug 9, 2016 08/16



White House Cybersecurity Coordinator Michael Daniel and other federal officials discuss the recent presidential policy directive on the federal response to cybersecurity threats
Topics: fbi, china, cyberspace, tonya, the fbi, bob
Source: Comcast Cable


0 0.0

Free to Choose Milton Friedman on Worker Protection : CSPAN2 : March 2, 2024 6:59pm-8:00pm EST

Mar 2, 2024 03/24



Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman advocated for free market principles in the 1980 public TV series "Free to Choose." Episode eight was titled "Who Protects the Worker?" Sponsor: Free to Choose Network
Topics: california, spartanburg, walter williams, milton friedman, chicago, joe dolphin, washington, intel,...
Source: Comcast Cable


0 0.0

Fmr. Ambassador Testifies on U.S. Withdrawal From Afghanistan : CSPAN2 : March 9, 2024 1:51am-4:32am EST

Mar 9, 2024 03/24



Zalmay Khalilzad, the ambassador who negotiated the U.S.-Taliban deal to withdraw military forces from Afghanistan, testified before the House Foreign Affairs Committee. He said he held the Afghan government's leadership mostly responsible for the Taliban's takeover of the country after the withdrawal, saying they did not stand up for their stated values. Mr. Khalilzad also discussed the negotiating process he undertook with the Taliban, which happened under the Trump administration, remarking...
Topics: afghanistan, taliban, biden, trump, kabul, ukraine, doha, khalilzad, white house, blinken, russia,...
Source: Comcast Cable


0 0.0

Mar 11, 2024 03/24



Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Commissioner Geoffrey Starks and Joseph Wender, Treasury Department Capital Projects Fund director, discussed federal investments in broadband and the impact the pandemic had on the need for highspeed internet access. This discussion was a part of the at the INCOMPAS Policy Summit in Washington, DC. Sponsor: INCOMPAS
Topics: acp, fcc, d.c., angie, incompas, philadelphia, washington, geoffrey stark, clyburn, ntia, chicago,...
Source: Comcast Cable


0 0.0

Former British Prime Minister Liz Truss Speaks at CPAC : CSPAN2 : March 11, 2024 7:22pm-7:40pm EDT

Mar 11, 2024 03/24



British member of Parliament and former Prime Minister Liz Truss spoke at the Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Maryland. She said, "we need a Republican back in the White House; we need it desperately," adding that Western civilization will be saved if conservatives gain more power and not compromise their values. She said she tried implementing conservative policies during her brief tenure as prime minister but faced "the most almighty backlash."...
Topics: white house, china, united kingdom, biden, uk
Source: Comcast Cable


0 0.0

Apr 1, 2024 04/24



Martin Baron ("Collision of Power"), Robert Jones ("The Hidden Roots of White Supremacy") and (and Barbara McQuade ("Attack From Within") discussed attacks on the press, free speech and religious freedom. This event was part of the 2024 Tucson Festival of Books. Sponsor: Tucson Festival of Books
Topics: washington, donald trump, michigan, russia, bezos, marty, boston, msnbc, joe biden, jeff bezos,...
Source: Comcast Cable


0 0.0

Apr 3, 2024 04/24



Frederick Hess & Michael McShane presented their plan for a conservative alternative to the U.S. education system. This event was hosted by the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, DC. Sponsor: American Enterprise Institute
Topics: virginia, mike, ramesh, aei, yale, washington, reagan, youngkin, san diego, amy goodman, etc.,...
Source: Comcast Cable


0 0.0

Free to Choose Milton Friedman on Economic Freedom : CSPAN2 : March 17, 2024 7:00am-8:01am EDT

Mar 17, 2024 03/24



Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman advocated for free market principles in the 1980 public TV series "Free to Choose." Episode ten was titled "How to Stay Free." Sponsor: Free to Choose Network
Topics: brennan, new york, singapore, adam smith, warren richardson, washington, china, rockefeller,...
Source: Comcast Cable


0 0.0

Mar 13, 2024 03/24



Former leaders at Google, Twitter and the FCC are among the panelists who discussed artificial intelligence (AI) innovation, regulations, and public responsibility around its usage at the INCOMPAS Policy Summit in Washington, DC. Sponsor: INCOMPAS
Topics: google, clyburn, colin, markey, washington, etc., c-span, trump
Source: Comcast Cable


146 146

First Amendment in the Digital Age : CSPAN2 : April 6, 2018 9:01am-12:09pm EDT

Apr 6, 2018 04/18



[LIVE] The University of Missouri Schools of Journalism and Law are hosting a discussion on the First Amendment in the digital age with legal experts and journalists in Washington, DC. Sponsor: University of Missouri, Columbia | School of Journalism,University of Missouri, Columbia | School of Law,University of Missouri, Columbia | Reynolds (Donald W.) Journalism Institute,National Press Club | Journalism Institute
Topics: washington, missouri, margaret, new york, hurley, barbara, donald trump, florida, russia, daniels,...
Source: Comcast Cable


0 0.0

Freedom Rider Joan Trumpauer Mulholland : CSPAN2 : April 13, 2024 6:15pm-7:01pm EDT

Apr 13, 2024 04/24



Joan Trumpauer Mulholland discussed her activism during the Civil Rights Movement including her participation in Freedom Rides, sit-ins and the 1963 March on Washington. This event took place at the National Community Action Foundation's 2024 conference in Washington, D.C. Sponsor: National Community Action Foundation
Topics: jackson, washington, medgar evers, john lewis, woolworth, julian, stokely carmichael, arlington,...
Source: Comcast Cable


49 49

Farhat Haq on the Muslim World : CSPAN2 : November 24, 2015 9:05pm-10:04pm EST

Nov 25, 2015 11/15



Farhat Haq, a Pakistani born scholar, speaks at Westminster College's annual Hanco*ck Symposium, which in 2015 focuses on security versus liberty.She talks about justice, democratization and liberty in the Muslim world
Topics: pakistan, egypt, islam, chicago, afghanistan, washington, bush, monmouth
Source: Comcast Cable


0 0.0

FDA Commissioner Appears Before Lawmakers for Oversight Hearing, Part 1 : CSPAN2 : April 16, 2024 5:27am-8:58am EDT

Apr 16, 2024 04/24



Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf testified on oversight matters before the House Oversight and Accountability Committee. For more than three hours he answered lawmakers' questions on many topics. They included the prescription drug approval process, vaccine safety and effectiveness, abortion pill mifepristone's authorization, the dangers of teens vaping, and imported seafood safety. Sponsor: House Oversight and Accountability Committee
Topics: fda, califf, mr. califf, china, biden, mr. raskin, south carolina, california, robert califf, dea,...
Source: Comcast Cable


0 0.0

Freedom Rider Joan Trumpauer Mulholland : CSPAN2 : April 26, 2024 10:04pm-10:52pm EDT

Apr 27, 2024 04/24



Joan Trumpauer Mulholland discussed her activism during the Civil Rights Movement including her participation in Freedom Rides, sit-ins and the 1963 March on Washington. This event took place at the National Community Action Foundation's 2024 conference in Washington, D.C. Sponsor: National Community Action Foundation
Topics: jackson, washington, medgar evers, john lewis, woolworth, julian, stokely carmichael, arlington,...
Source: Comcast Cable


41 41

Former U.S. Surgeon General Discusses Mental Health : CSPAN2 : April 28, 2023 1:27pm-2:15pm EDT

Apr 28, 2023 04/23



"There are many people who have mental health issueswithout having a diagnosed mental illness," said Dr. Jerome Adams, former U.S. surgeon general (Trump administration, 2017-21), during a discussion with the Bipartisan Policy Center. He addressed several topics, including the link between mental health and substance abuse, the impact of the pandemic, and the need to properly fund schools to help students with their mental health concerns. Dr. Adams also spoke on the need to reduce...
Topics: indiana, john fetterman, purdue, david trone, biden, washington
Source: Comcast Cable


29 29

Former New Jersey Gov. Christie on the Trump Administration : CSPAN2 : July 31, 2020 10:50pm-11:26pm EDT

Aug 1, 2020 08/20



Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (R) spoke with the Washington Post on a broad range of topics including the 2020 election, the president's coronavirus response and the use of federal law enforcement in American cities. Gov. Christie also said he was considering a presidential run in 2024. Sponsor: [Washington Post]
Topics: chris christie, trump, biden, donald trump, white house, china, washington, ronald reagan, steve,...
Source: Comcast Cable


27 27

Dec 11, 2018 12/18



Several former intelligence and national security officials discussed the regulations and systems in place to ensure accountability from the intelligence community. Topics covered included working with the press, relations between the different branches of government, lessons learned from intelligence breaches, and the laws surrounding whistleblower programs. Sponsor: George Mason University | Hayden Center for Intelligence
Topics: hayden, cia, michael hayden, george mason, snowden, washington, fisa, obama
Source: Comcast Cable


18 18

Nov 19, 2019 11/19



FCC Chair Ajit Pai sat down for a conversation about 5G technology and competition at the Wilson Center in Washington, DC. He discussed the need for the United States to lead the world in the development of 5G technology, the importance to think about security now before a secure system is established, and how the implementation of 5g will impact the way we view the world. He was interviewed by the president and CEO of the Wilson Center, former Democratic Congresswoman Jane Harman. Following...
Topics: china, huawei, wilson, uk, fcc, beijing, washington, melissa, california, national security...
Source: Comcast Cable


38 38

Frank Bennack, "Leave Something on the Table" : CSPAN2 : November 3, 2019 12:30am-1:19am EDT

Nov 3, 2019 11/19



Frank Bennack, Executive Vice Chairman and former CEO of Hearst, talked about his life and career in the media. Sponsor: National Press Club
Topics: espn, kane, hirsch, new york, washington
Source: Comcast Cable


47 47

First Amendment in the Digital Age : CSPAN2 : April 6, 2018 1:05pm-1:47pm EDT

Apr 6, 2018 04/18



[LIVE] Constitutional law attorney Floyd Abrams delivers the keynote address at a conference on the First Amendment and the digital age in Washington, DC. Sponsor: University of Missouri, Columbia | School of Journalism,University of Missouri, Columbia | School of Law,University of Missouri, Columbia | Reynolds (Donald W.) Journalism Institute,National Press Club | Journalism Institute
Topics: new york, washington, floyd abram, missouri, donald trump, mr. abrams, barbara cochran, thomas...
Source: Comcast Cable


23 23

Future of FBI Headquarters : CSPAN2 : March 1, 2018 2:52am-4:25am EST

Mar 1, 2018 03/18



The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee heard from officials from the FBI and General Services Administration (GSA) on a plan that calls for the construction of a new FBI headquarters on the site of the current J. Edgar Hoover Building in Washington, DC. Witnesses dicussed the decision that reverses a yearslong effort that would have shifted the FBI facility to a site just outside the nation's capital in Maryland or Virginia. They were also questioned about the Trump administration's...
Topics: fbi, gsa, mr. matthews, mr. haley, pennsylvania, van hollen, edgar hoover, virginia, carden,...
Source: Comcast Cable


86 86

Federal Officials Testify on Fentanyl Addiction : CSPAN2 : March 22, 2017 3:16am-5:34am EDT

Mar 22, 2017 03/17



The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations examined the opioid epidemic and the federal response to the drug Fentanyl. Witnesses included federal government officials and medical professionals from the Centers for Disease Control and the National Institute on Drug Abuse. The two-hour hearing focused on the connection between opioid drug prescriptions and addiction in patients, lack of resources in rural areas where cases of drug addiction are rising, and...
Topics: china, virginia, mexico, canada, west virginia, fentanyl, illinois, kentucky, massachusetts,...
Source: Comcast Cable


35 35

False Black Power? : CSPAN2 : July 29, 2017 8:01am-8:37am EDT

Jul 29, 2017 07/17



Jason Riley talked about his book False Black Power?, in which he argues that political capital for blacks has been a disadvantage for the race in terms of economic upward mobility. People: Lawrence Mone; Jason L. Riley Sponsor: Manhattan Institute for Policy Research
Topics: washington, jason riley, jason, naacp, detroit, manhattan, pennsylvania, philadelphia, new york,...
Source: Comcast Cable


16 16

Free Trade Discussion with EU Ambassador to the U.S. : CSPAN2 : February 9, 2018 9:26pm-10:28pm EST

Feb 10, 2018 02/18



The Georgetown University McCourt School of Public Policy held a day-long conference to discuss free trade and the benefits for America as well as other countries. The European Union Ambassador to the United States David O'Sullivan was among the many experts who attended and offered up his thoughts on the U.S.-EU trade relationship. He also commented on the Trump administration's new tax reform law saying that it's too soon to tell what the impact will be on the EU. Sponsor: Georgetown...
Topics: europe, airbus, china, nafta, tpp, germany, south carolina, arkansas, maybelline, greenfield,...
Source: Comcast Cable


9 9.0

Aug 29, 2021 08/21



Former Secretary of State James Baker talks about leadership and his career with attorney and historian Talmage Boston. Mr. Baker served as secretary of state for President George H.W. Bush, and as Ronald Reagan's White House chief of staff and Treasury secretary. Baylor University Law School hosted the conversation and provided the video. Sponsor: Baylor University | Law School
Topics: washington, baker, peter, susan, reagan, white house, new york, russia, boston, james baker, texas,...
Source: Comcast Cable


2 2.0

Sep 22, 2021 09/21



Executives from Facebook and Google testified about competition and privacy before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Competition Policy and Consumer Rights. The witnesses responded to questions about data tracking and usage, anti-competitive practices, and consumer privacy rights. Senators also questioned Steve Satterfield, Facebook's Privacy and Public Policy Vice President about a recent Wall Street Journal article that indicated the company knew it's products increased rates of teenage...
Topics: google, klobuchar, mr. satterfield, blumenthal, mr. erickson, mark zuckerberg, durbin, erickson,...
Source: Comcast Cable


10 10.0

Fmr. Israeli Diplomat Discusses Country's Challenges in Middle East : CSPAN2 : October 5, 2021 11:47pm-12:42am EDT

Oct 6, 2021 10/21



Former Israeli diplomat Yuval Rotem discussed the country's challenges in the Middle East with the Hudson Institute. Other topics included the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, Iran and funding for the Iron Dome. Sponsor: Hudson Institute
Topics: iran, israel, china, afghanistan, australia, biden, india, washington, jerusalem, iraq, syria,...
Source: Comcast Cable


6 6.0

Former Supreme Allied Commanders Europe Discuss NATO's Defense Strategy : CSPAN2 : January 28, 2022 9:35am-10:38am EST

Jan 28, 2022 01/22



[LIVE] Former NATO Supreme Allied Commanders, Gen. Wesley Clark (Ret.) and Gen. Philip Breedlove (Ret.), discuss NATO's defense strategy during a virtual conversation with the Atlantic Council. Sponsor: Atlantic Council of the U.S.
Topics: nato, russia, ukraine, clark, breedlove, europe, putin, china, zelensky, romania, atlantic, kiev,...
Source: Comcast Cable


0 0.0

Former Tunisian President on Democracy in the Middle East : CSPAN2 : December 3, 2022 12:50am-2:15am EST

Dec 3, 2022 12/22



Former Tunisian President Mohamed Moncef Marzouki discussed democracy in the Middle East amid the aftermath of the so-called Arab Spring--a series of anti-government protests that occurred in the region around 2010-12. He outlined why the revolutions failed, saying citizens were victims of ruling elites and intervening dictators across the region, as well as internal divisions between Islamists and secularists. The former president also said the fight for democracy is ongoing and he fears a...
Topics: tunisia, egypt, washington, yemen, syria
Source: Comcast Cable


0 0.0

Fair Housing Advocates Testify on Affordable Housing : CSPAN2 : December 2, 2022 1:51pm-5:29pm EST

Dec 2, 2022 12/22



Fair housing advocates testified on affordable housing proposals before the House Financial Services Committee. Topics included inflation, homelessness, housing supply and demand, rental assistance and government incentives to industry and first-generation homeowners to increase affordable housing opportunities. Sponsor: House Financial Services Committee
Topics: biden, texas, hud, california, new york, fha, washington, arkansas, sandy, ukraine, zandi,...
Source: Comcast Cable


0 0.0

Fair Housing Advocates Testify on Affordable Housing : CSPAN2 : December 9, 2022 8:00am-11:38am EST

Dec 9, 2022 12/22



Fair housing advocates testified on affordable housing proposals before the House Financial Services Committee. Topics included inflation, homelessness, housing supply and demand, rental assistance and government incentives to industry and first-generation homeowners to increase affordable housing opportunities. Sponsor: House Financial Services Committee
Topics: zandi, texas, biden, ms. bailey, mr. mitchell, hud, dr. holtz-eakin, margaret eaddy, d.c.,...
Source: Comcast Cable


0 0.0

Jun 9, 2023 06/23



FCC Chair Jessica Rosenworcel (D), elected officials, and industry executives discussed infrastructure, technology and global competition during a series of panels hosted by Semafor News. Topics included leveraging artificial intelligence, digital security in an interconnected world, and investing in infrastructure for high-speed rails and shipping ports. Sponsor: Semafor
Topics: virginia, ukraine, china, biden, washington, verizon, amtrak, the port, macy, ira, rosenworcel,...
Source: Comcast Cable


33 33

Food and Public Health, Panel 4 : CSPAN2 : August 1, 2016 11:16am-12:39pm EDT

Aug 1, 2016 08/16



Former FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg & Former HHS Secretary Donna Shalala take part in a discussion on food policy & public health Friday at the Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, DC
Topics: navajo nation, john mclaughlin, diabetes, washington, cia, donald trump, bill clinton, cambridge,...
Source: Comcast Cable


0 0.0

Dec 1, 2023 12/23



Former Homeland Security Department officials from the Trump administration, including former acting Secretary Chad Wolf (2019-21), testified on migration at the southern border before the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Topics included exploitation and trafficking of migrants, asylum and pathways to legal migration, combatting fentanyl at ports of entry, and the transporting of migrants to sanctuary cities. Sponsor: House Foreign Affairs Committee
Topics: mexico, biden, china, latin america, mr. isaacson, texas, trump, haiti, putin, mr. hamilton,...
Source: Comcast Cable


0 0.0

Former CIA Director on Evolution of Warfare : CSPAN2 : November 28, 2023 12:28am-1:12am EST

Nov 28, 2023 11/23



David Petraeus, former CIA Director and retired commander for U.S. forces in Afghanistan, discussed the evolution of warfare amid the Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Hamas wars at a virtual event hosted by the Atlantic Council. Topics included the evolution of munitions, leadership styles used in conflict, and the role of diplomacy pre-conflict and during conflict. In addition, he stressed deterrence of conflict between world super-powers should be a top priority. His remarks came after President Joe...
Topics: iraq, ukraine, atlanta, afghanistan, israel, petraeus, putin, gaza, hamas, china, atlantic, taiwan,...
Source: Comcast Cable


71 71

Federal Reserve on Trial : CSPAN2 : September 27, 2015 6:00pm-7:05pm EDT

Sep 27, 2015 09/15



From FreedomFest 2015, a debate on the Federal Reserve and its role in our economy
Topics: washington, damon, madam foreperson, murphy, freddie, the american economy
Source: Comcast Cable


0 0.0

Dec 7, 2023 12/23



The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) chair and four other commissioners testified on the Biden administration's broadband policy and oversight of the agency during a hearing before the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Communications and Technology. Topics included the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP), AM radio and public safety, net neutrality rules, and spectrum auction. Sponsor: House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Communications and Technology
Topics: fcc, gomez, biden, carr, china, ntia, rosenworcel, ohio, california, florida, acp, scc, new york,...
Source: Comcast Cable


62 62

Former Ambassador Ryan Crocker on Syrian Refugee Policy : CSPAN2 : December 21, 2015 10:41am-12:12pm EST

Dec 21, 2015 12/15



Former Ambassador to Syria and Iraq Ryan Crocker discusses the debate over Syrian refugees seeking asylum in the U.S., including the political, humanitarian, and security implications if the U.S. admits refugees
Topics: syria, washington, turkey, crocker, europe, lebanon, russia, paris, kuwait, palestine, obama,...
Source: Comcast Cable


0 0.0

Dec 30, 2023 12/23



John Lawson and Reverend Noelle York-Simmons talked about President Franklin D. Roosevelt's proclamation of a National Day of Prayer for January 1, 1942, following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill worshiped together that day in George Washington's hometown church. Sponsor: C-SPAN | American History TV
Topics: roosevelt, washington, pearl harbor, alexandria, virginia, atlantic, franklin roosevelt, mrs....
Source: Comcast Cable


0 0.0

Dec 31, 2023 12/23



John Lawson and Reverend Noelle York-Simmons talked about President Franklin D. Roosevelt's proclamation of a National Day of Prayer for January 1, 1942, following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill worshiped together that day in George Washington's hometown church. Sponsor: C-SPAN | American History TV
Topics: roosevelt, washington, pearl harbor, alexandria, virginia, atlantic, franklin roosevelt, mrs....
Source: Comcast Cable


35 35

Former Senator George Mitchell D-ME on The Negotiator : CSPAN2 : July 5, 2015 8:00am-9:18am EDT

Jul 5, 2015 07/15



Former Sen. George Mitchell (D-Maine) discusses his life, political career, and post-Senate service as a diplomat, investigator, and chairman of the Walt Disney Company.
Topics: ireland, northern ireland, maine, mitchell, lebanon, henry kissinger, israel, united kingdom,...
Source: Comcast Cable


0 0.0

Fergus Bordewich, "Klan War - Ulysses S. Grant and the Battle to Save Reconstruc : CSPAN2 : January 5, 2024 7:10am-8:01am EST

Jan 5, 2024 01/24



Author Fergus Bordewich chronicled President Ulysses Grant's efforts to dismantle the Klan's rise in power during Reconstruction. Sponsor: Southern Festival of Books
Topics: tennessee, klan, washington, wyatt, ulysses s. grant, new york, nashville, north carolina, dunning,...
Source: Comcast Cable


54 54

Feminists in the Black Power Movement : CSPAN2 : March 5, 2016 2:00pm-4:01pm EST

Mar 5, 2016 03/16



Authors Kenneth Janken, "The Wilmington Ten", Rhonda Williams, "Concrete Demands", and Erik McDuffie, "Sojourning for Freedom", participate in a discussion on the Black Power movement
Topics: wilmington, malcolm, cleveland, detroit, omaha, grenada, north carolina, marcus garvey, wilmington,...
Source: Comcast Cable


11 11

Fmr. Sen. Connie Mack R-FL, "Citizen Mack - Politics, an Honorable Calling" : CSPAN2 : January 2, 2021 1:01am-2:01am EST

Jan 2, 2021 01/21



Former Florida Republican Senator Connie Mack spoke about his life and career in politics. This virtual program was hosted by Books & Books Bookstore in Coral Gables, Florida. Sponsor: Books and Books
Topics: florida, china, michael, bush, nicaragua, philadelphia, gore
Source: Comcast Cable


23 23

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright Discusses Strengthening Governance in Fragile States : CSPAN2 : January 8, 2020 12:48am-1:47am EST

Jan 8, 2020 01/20



The U.S. Institute of Peace held a discussion in Washington, DC, on strengthening governance in fragile states. In this portion, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright joined U.S. Institute of Peace President Nancy Lindborg and former U.S. Ambassador to Myanmar (Burma) Derek Mitchell for a panel discussion moderated by PBS "NewsHour" correspondent Nick Schifrin. Sponsor: U.S. Institute of Peace
Topics: china, albright, washington, tunisia, burma, obama, united nations, russia, nigeria, sudan
Source: Comcast Cable


45 45

Foreign Policy Experts Discuss U.S.-Turkey Relations : CSPAN2 : October 25, 2019 10:09pm-11:13pm EDT

Oct 26, 2019 10/19



The Council on Foreign Relations held a discussion in Washington DC on the future of U.S.-Turkey relations. Panelists discussed the relationship between the two countries and the recent decision by the Trump administration to withdraw U.S. troops from northern Syria. Sponsor: Council on Foreign Relations
Topics: turkey, syria, russia, nato, erdogan, trump, washington, putin, mcconnell, pkk, ukraine, white...
Source: Comcast Cable


38 38

France 24 Inauguration Coverage : CSPAN2 : January 21, 2017 7:32am-8:01am EST

Jan 21, 2017 01/17



France 24 reacted to the inauguration of President Donald Trump. This is a portion of the network's broadcast. Sponsor: France 24
Topics: donald trump, washington, europe, canada, mexico, russia
Source: Comcast Cable


23 23

Former U.S. Ambassador to U.N. Samantha Power Addresses National Security Conference : CSPAN2 : January 16, 2020 8:34am-9:46am EST

Jan 16, 2020 01/20



Former U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Samantha Power discussed the progressive agenda as it relates to national security. Ambassador Power spoke about foreign policy under the Obama administration, the role of the U.N. Security Council, and offered recommendations on key foreign policy issues that need to be prioritized in the first 100 days of a new administration. Her remarks were part of an all-day conference hosted by the Center for American Progress examining national security priorities...
Topics: china, u.n., russia, iran, sudan, obama administration, ethiopia, paris, obama, north korea, trump,...
Source: Comcast Cable


92 92

Former President Obama at Rice University : CSPAN2 : November 28, 2018 8:32am-9:31am EST

Nov 28, 2018 11/18



Former President Barack Obama sat down with former Secretary of State James Baker and presidential historian Jon Meacham at Rice University in Texas to discuss their experiences in office, bipartisanship and U.S. leadership abroad. President Obama talked about the need for American voters to return to a civic conversation based in common facts, and about the importance of the U.S. role in international diplomacy. The discussion was part of a celebration of 25 years of the Baker Institute for...
Topics: washington, baker, jim, ronald reagan, michelle, george w. bush, texas, nato, florida, george...
Source: Comcast Cable


24 24

Fall Books 2019 Preview Author Discussion : CSPAN2 : August 22, 2019 12:02am-1:31am EDT

Aug 22, 2019 08/19



Bestselling authors Ta-Nehisi Coates, Malcolm Gladwell, Rachel Maddow, Karin Slaughter, and Marjorie Liu discussed their forthcoming books at BookExpo, the publishing industry's annual trade show Sponsor: BookExpo America
Topics: new york, washington, rachel maddow, georgia, american booksellers association, russia, texas
Source: Comcast Cable


5 5.0

May 19, 2021 05/21



Former Homeland Security Department (DHS) officials testified on the agency's intelligence gathering and sharing practices before a Senate committee. Other intelligence experts also testified. All stressed the importance the DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis plays in protecting the nation from domestic and international threats. The Senate Homeland Security Committee convened the hearing as part of its review into the January 6 Capitol attack. Sponsor: Senate Homeland Security and...
Topics: ina, taylor, fbi, portman, dhs, peters, washington, dhs ina, cssa, columbus, tco, national security...
Source: Comcast Cable


11 11

Apr 16, 2022 04/22



How have first ladies shaped history as presidential advisers and as advocates for societal change? That was the question before a panel of scholars convened by the White House Historical Association at their conference in Dallas, Texas. Sponsor: White House Historical Association
Topics: white house, washington, dolly, eleanor roosevelt, edith wilson, dolly madison, kennedy, cleveland,...
Source: Comcast Cable


0 0.0

Free State Foundation Holds Policy Conference : CSPAN2 : May 10, 2022 12:09am-1:24am EDT

May 10, 2022 05/22



Communications industry leaders in government and in the private sector joined the Free State Foundation for its policy conference in Washington, DC. In this panel, current and former Federal Communications Commission (FCC) commissioners discussed the agency's mission and its role in the broader communications and broadband policy realm. Topics they touched on included 5G technology, broadband access and deployment, and the changing landscape of the industry. Sponsor: Free State Foundation
Topics: washington, fcc, cia, obama
Source: Comcast Cable


19 19

First Ladies' Speeches : CSPAN2 : April 23, 2022 2:45pm-3:50pm EDT

Apr 23, 2022 04/22



What's the impact of a first lady's words? Scholars considered the speeches of Barbara Bush, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Laura Bush and Michelle Obama. The First Ladies Association for Research & Education hosted this virtual event. Sponsor: First Ladies Association for Research & Education
Topics: barbara bush, michelle obama, tammy, laura bush, nancy, wellesley, hillary clinton, beijing, china,...
Source: Comcast Cable


0 0.0

Fmr. House Speaker Newt Gingrich on Current Events in Politics : CSPAN2 : January 25, 2023 12:48am-1:20am EST

Jan 25, 2023 01/23



Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich (R-GA) discussed current events in politics and government with the Washington Post. He weighed in on the debt-ceiling crisis and federal spending, the controversy surrounding falsehoods told by Rep. George Santos (R-NY), and the recent election of Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) as House speaker. He also gave his thoughts on the modern Republican Party, the 2024 presidential election, how January 6 should be viewed from a historical perspective, recent mass...
Topics: biden, washington, mccarthy, ukraine, china, pelosi, donald trump, california, new york, joe biden,...
Source: Comcast Cable


0 0.0

Jan 27, 2023 01/23



Bob Bauer, former White House lawyer for the Obama administration, discussed democracy and presidential elections at an event hosted by American University in Washington, DC. Topics included curbing executive authority, the role of the Supreme Court, and bipartisan options for change around administering elections and campaign finance laws. Sponsor: American University
Topics: washington, donald trump, obama, florida, biden, north carolina, george santos, bob bauer, comcast,...
Source: Comcast Cable


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Federal Reserve Chair Discusses State of the Economy : CSPAN2 : February 8, 2023 9:25am-10:00am EST

Feb 8, 2023 02/23



Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell sat down with the Economic Club of Washington, DC for a discussion on the central bank's mission and priorities. Chair Powell said high inflation remains a concern, and they're doing everything possible to bring it down. He highlighted monetary policy actions that have been taken, including interest rate hikes and why these increases are necessary. Other topics discussed included how other countries are dealing with inflation, the pandemic's impact on the...
Topics: fomc, washington, china, hindsight, ukraine, trump, biden
Source: Comcast Cable


0 0.0

Florida Governor Delivers State of the State Address : CSPAN2 : March 7, 2023 8:02pm-8:34pm EST

Mar 8, 2023 03/23



Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) delivered his 2023 State of the State address from the capitol in Tallahassee. He touted the influx of migration and economic growth in Florida, deeming the state "number one" in the nation. Topics included eliminating a sales tax, hurricane recovery, law enforcement, illegal immigration and K-12 education. Sponsor: State Capitol
Topics: florida, washington, tallahassee, chloe, palmer, stacy, jerome powell
Source: Comcast Cable


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Mar 31, 2023 03/23



[LIVE] Former Vice President Mike Pence, 2024 Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, and activists discuss topics related to U.S. conservatism at the National Review Institute's 2023 "Ideas Summit." Sponsor: National Review Institute
Topics: china, california, washington, india, princeton, biden, indiana, douglas murray, vivek, white...
Source: Comcast Cable

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.